Mounds View High School Baseball Player Attendance

Players are expected to demonstrate commitment to their teammates and their own personal development through attendance at all practices and games.

Valid reasons for a player not attending a practice or a game:

  • Family commitment
  • School/education commitment **
  • Religious commitment
  • Health reason

In the event a player will be missing a practice or a game, the player/parent should make a reasonable effort to communicate with the coach prior to the missed practice or game.

Each non-excused missed practice or game will result in the player not being able to participate in the next game following the missed practice or game. The player is expected to attend the game in which he will not be participating.

Mounds View High School requires that players be in school all 6 periods to participate that day.  As well, upon notification to the coach of a 4th tardy in any one class, the player will not be able to participate that day.

When the players travel by bus, we want players to ride the bus back to school.

  • As a school event, we are responsible for the players, and there is a school expectation and requirement that we get the students to and from school events.
  • Part of the high school sports experience is the discipline of the team emphasis; of being with your teammates to the games, and after the games back to school
  • All school and team code of conduct expectations apply on the bus.
  • Obviously, there are valid exceptions to riding with bus with the team:
    • We have no problem with a parent driving a player to/from a game for reasons in line with the absence policy; commitment related to religion, health, school or family.  We ask (and school requires) that the coach be notified by the parent ahead of time.

** A valid school absence does NOT include “I had a lot of homework to do.” You are expected to manage your time, manage your priorities, and plan ahead.